I am currently a PhD student under the supervision of Wendy Lowen and Arne Mertens at the University of Antwerp. I started my PhD in 2021, as part of the ERC Project “Foundations for Higher and Curved Noncommutative Geometry”.
Before that, I was a MSc student of Mathematics at the University of Lisbon - IST, where I wrote my thesis under the supervision of Gustavo Granja.
Research Interests
My main interests are Homotopy Theory and Deformation Theory. My PhD project focuses on developing models for linear oo-categories and study their homotopical and deformation properties, with an eye towards applications in Derived Noncommutative Algebraic Geometry and Mathematical Physics. More broadly, I am also into Homological Algebra, Category Theory, Higher Structures and TQFTs.
My daily arXiv briefing is: math.AT, math.CT and math.KT.
Next ...
I will be defending my PhD thesis later this semester.